sec 20
- He contentds that primitive life once existed on Mars.
- The crew is busy preparing for the voyage into outer space.
- They conducted a series of experiments under zero gravity.
- Many astronomers assume that the universe will expand infinitely.
- The astronauts were greeted with spontaneous applause.
- A fund was set up with a view to preserving our endangered planet.
- The massive flood paralyzed the local transportation network.
- The equator divides the globe into two hemispheres.
- I think it’s cruel to trap animals for fur coats.
- The organazation plays a principal role in wildlife conservation.
- Many fragile species are on the verge of extinction.
- The prolonged draught did severe damage to the crops.
- Tropical rain forests are quickly disappearing on a global scale.
- In part,
- it’s due to acid rain.
- It is said that global warming is directly related to carbon dioxide emissions.
- The destruction of the ozone layer affects the environment.
- The committee called on all nations to work side by side to curb air pollution.
- A satellite was launched into orbit to monitor melting glaciers.
sec 21
- The ecologist has warned us time and again that petroleum is not only a blessing but also a curse.
- The continent is abundant in fossil fuels.
- The region is relatively rich in mineral resources.
- Wheat accounts for approximately two-thirds of agricultural production in the area.
- Fertile soil is indispensable for a good harvest.
- A humid climate is characteristic of the peninsula.
- The active volcano erupts at regular intervals.
- The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic with the Pacific.
- The geographical features here are similar to those of our prefecture.
- More often than not, famine is accompanied by plague.
- A devastating earthquake hit the state capital, leaving tens of thousands of residents homeless.
- Watch out!
- The ceiling is giving way!
- The weather forcast says the typhoon is likely to accelerate and approach the coast.
- It’s still up in the air whether the game will be called off or not.
- So what?
- It makes no difference to me.
- It’s foggy, isn’t it?
- It sure is.
- But chances are it’ll clear up later on.
sec 22
- For the most part, modernization is identified with westernization.
- Urban culture appears to be attractive to many people, in particular, to younger people.
- AI stands for artificial intelligence.
- Household appliances are becoming more convenient day by day.
- My income is not adequate to provide for my family of four, but we have to make the best of it.
- The popularity of a website depends on its content.
- You’ve got to keep up with it.
- Once you fall behind, it’s hard to catch up.
- As technology rapidly advances, it’s tough to keep pace with it.
- More and more people are rushing to make use of the interactive nature of the medium.
- Innovation has something to do with the ability to notice unusual phenomena.
- A bunch of other companies are imitating our excellent methods.
- The once desolate valley was transformed into a thriving hub of hi-tech business.
- Although there’s still plenty of room for improvement, his invention is superior to conventional equipment in every respect.
- The strength of the firm is attributed to its unique and future-oriented strategies.
- They has integrated a wide range of unctions into this cool gadget.
- It’s catching on from coast to coast.
- This tool comes in handy, so I always keep it close at hand.
- In general, consumers prefer quantity to quality.
- It’s the other way around today.
sec 23
- Obviously, The advertisement is aimed at teenagers.
- The factory not under construction will assemble 1,000 CPU unit per day.
- Efficent machinery replaced manual laber.
- IN those days, the gigantic corporation had a virtual monopoly over internal commerce.
- With restrictions removed, thousands of newenterprises have come into being.
- As a result of his ridiculous venture, he is in danger of going bankrupt.
- Compared to the previous year,
- business is looking up in terms of sales.
- However,
- we haven’t made any profit yet.
- I’m goint to be transferred to an overseas branch.
- Oh, I’ll miss you.
- Please drop me a line.
- While he was away on business,
- his wife gave birth to a baby boy.
sec 24
- Apparently,
- I wasn’t willing to take on the task because it would just add to his burdens.
- He had intended to take her out tonight,
- but he had to work overtime.
- Please estimate the losses by Friday at the latest.
- I’ll manage it somehow.
- I’m counting on you.
- I’ll see to it.
- I appreciate it.
- Don’t mention it.
- He pretends to be enthusiastic when his boss is around.
- He got promoted at the expense of his colleagues.
- He should be ashamed of himself.
- As the recession set in,
- temporary employees where laid off one after another.
- Nowadays, many people are out of work against their will.
- Who is responsible for that?
- I’ve gotten pessimistic,
- and I’m worried about something I would never have been concerned about before.
- Today, even white-collar workers are confronted with great hardships.
- The authorities are striving in vain to stabilize the currency.
- We’ve come to the conclusion that nothing is more urgent than reducing Japan’s huge deficit.
sec 25
- The questionnaires were distributed at random.
- All you have to do is fill in the blanks below.
- (Please print in black or blue ink.)
- In addition to a 10% discount, you can pick out an optional excursion for free.
- Round-trip fares to each destination are as follows.
- Don’t forget to confirm your reservation in advance.
- I won’t.
- Be sure to check in at least 45 miniutes prior to departure time.
- I attached my name tag to my baggage,
- but it soon came off.
- On average,
- these packages weight two pounds.
- This plastic garbage bag is free of hazardous chemicals.
- This flashlight is getting dim.
- It needs new batteries.
sec 26
- Excuse me.
- How often do the shuttle buses run to downtown New York?
- The motel can accommodate as many as 400 guests.
- This suite is three times larger than my condominium.
- Littering in this facility is subject to a maximum fine of $500.
- That restaurant is always packed.
- We’d better make a reservation beforehand.
- Sorry to interrupt your meal but I’d like a word with you in private.
- Can I get back to you later?
- The cook was astonished at his increadible appetite.
- What’s going on down there?
- I’m curious.
- I have no idea.
- Excited fans were hanging aroud the rear exit hoping to catch a glimpse of Michael.
- On encountering the celebrity,
- they asked for his autograph.
sec 27
- Whenever I go abroad,
- I suffer from jet lag and diarrhea.
- I feel sort of dizzy and I feel like throwing up.
- You look pale!
- Take some aspirin.
- It will cure you of your headache in no time.
- I’m afraid I’m coming down with something.
- You should take a day off.
- Some of the ingredinents in this beverage are harmful,
- especially if you are pregnant.
- Good nutrition is vital for an infant’s growth.
- Moderate exercise stimulates the circulation of the blood.
- My physician advised me to refrain from alcohol for the time being.
- I do want to get into shape and lose some weight,
- so I go swimming every morning.
- He caught a nasty cold because he stayed up late last night.
- The surgeon persuaded him to undergo an organ transplant.
- Since our father is bedridden,
- we take turns looking after him.
- Our hypothesis is that eating excessive amounts of junk food contributes to early mortality.
- The government did not take appropriate measures to prevent the infection from spreading.
- The minister was obliged to resign from the Cabinet.
sec 28
- Many people regard the current compulsory education system as being obsolete.
- Many people encouraged me to fulfill my ambitions.
- To make his dreams come true,
- he dropped out of school and made his way to Tokyo.
- What do you do?
- I’m a college student,
- a freshman at Harvard.
- What’s your major?
- Philosophy.
- Tuition will be raised by nearly ten percent as of April 1, 2001.
- I’m of two minds whether to apply for the scholarship or not.
- Give it a try!
- As soon as he graduated from University,
- he took over his family’s business.
- You aren’t out for the military because of its rigid discipline.
- I am determined to make a living as a playwright at all costs.
- As he grew up,
- he learned to put things in perspective.
- Conformity is an essential element of our homogeneous community.
- I’d rather go my own way than toil away for a company.
- Trying to fit into a mold gets me nowhere!
- He takes after his uncle is personality.
- I mean,
- he is obstinate by nature.
- He never gives in.
sec 29
- When the time is ripe,
- be bold and go for it!
- I’ll stand by you.
- I’ll stand up for what I believe in and won’t yield to any threats.
- If only I could conquer my weaknesses! ★
- It’s up to you.
- You should make the most of this rare opportunity to demonstrate your talent.
- You won’t let me down.
- I have gereat faith in you.
- You can make it!
- The spectators were moved by her graceful performance.
- In 1900, He received architecture’s most prestigious award.
- In the face of adversity,
- Mike accomplished an extraordinary feat.
- He deserves praise.
- The audience was impressed by his eloquent lecture.
- From a humble background,
- He achieved worldwide fame.
- He accumulated a tremendous fortune during the postwar era.
- He used to be well off and generous,
- but now he lives from hand to month.