
sec 03

  • I begged him to lend me a hundred bucks,
  • but he shook his head,
  • saying,
  • I’m broke, too.
  • I’m apt to buy things on impulse whenever something is on sales.
  • So am I.
  • As it is,
  • ordinary people cannot afford to purchase such luxuries.
  • As we anticipated,
  • the unemployment rate has risen three quarters in a row.
  • I have to cut down on my expenses,
  • so from now on,
  • I’m going to keep track of them on a daily basis.
  • In any case,
  • the union has to compromise to a certain extent.
  • Competent mechanics are in great demand,
  • so they earn decent wages.
  • The president announced a concreate plan to carry out welfare reform.
  • His policy will no doubt lead to dismal consequences.
  • It needs a thorough review.
  • It goes without saying that the aging of society is inevitable.
  • Please take a look at this chart.
  • It indicates that juvenile delinquency is on the increase at an alarming rate.
  • In many business districts,
  • there are a lot of vacant lots which have been for sales for years.
  • The population density is the metropolis is gradually decreasing.
  • In all likelihood,
  • the birthrate will continue to decline steadily for years to come.

sec 04

  • The power plant supplies the remote country with electricity.
  • You are not allowed to operate this device without permission.
  • In fact,
  • the inhabitants have been exposed to radiation.
  • One cannot emphasize too much the potential danger of nuclear energy.
  • For years the press overlooked the problem.
  • But now,
  • if anything,
  • they are making too much of it.
  • As well as cultivating grain,
  • the farmer runs a grocery store.
  • The research institute was established in the late 1900s.
  • Why don’t you consult Starr in person?
  • He’s by far the most prominent attorney around here.
  • I’ll write it down just in case,
  • because I have a bad memory.
  • The lawyer recommended that his client take legal action against the insurance company.

sec 05

  • They are entitled to be compensated for their injuries.
  • So far,
  • no less than 200 people have died of the flu epidemic.
  • The effect of those pills is intense but brief.
  • He has a habit of biting his nails.
  • It’s absolutely disgusting.
  • My grandma strained her back when she bent down to hug my son.
  • If you have stiff neck, try an herbal remedy.
  • Medical breakthroughs have brought about great benefits for humanity as a whole.
  • We can’t apply cloning techniques to cattle,
  • let alone human beings.
  • It’s forbidden.
  • Whales are classified as mammals.
  • The theory of evolution is beyond the reach of my imagination.
  • The biologist is proud of his historic discovery and does’nt mind boasting about it.
  • On ethical grounds,
  • they are opposed to so-called gene therapy.
  • The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and a sore throat.
  • The structure of the brain is complex.
  • Owing to illness,
  • some reprentatives were absent from the annual conference.
  • Little by little,
  • my son-in-law is recovering from stomach cancer,
  • and now he is in goods spirits.
  • This is fake, isn’t it?
  • It’s a genuine antique.
  • No way!

sec 06

  • Anything else?
  • That’s it.
  • For here or to go?
  • To go.
  • How much is this rug?
  • $100 including tax.
  • OK, I’ll take it.
  • I don’t thik those pants look good on you.
  • Try these on.
  • They’re really in now!
  • He got out of the cab in haste, saying, Keep the change.
  • Delivery service is available to our customers for a slight extra charge.
  • It’s on me. No, You treat me every time we eat out. Well, okay. Let’s split the check then.
  • While I was hanging out at the mall, I ran into Ken.
  • I was short of cash,
  • so I wighdrew the $100 that I had deposited in my bank account last week.
  • On her way home she was robbed of her purse.
  • That’s odd!
  • Tell me how it happend.
  • I’ll explain it to you later.
  • My parents gave me a 6 pm curfew as a punishment because I broke my promise.
  • As the proverb gose, The end justifies the means.
  • Now that I’ve found that there’s no one to trun to,
  • I’ll have to stand on my own two feet.

sec 07

  • The chairman cut me off, saying, Time to wind things up.
  • Let’s take a vote.
  • We exchanged frank opinions in the meeting, but consensus is yet to be reached regarding this matter.
  • Do you agree or disagree with him?
  • I’m on his side.
  • Strictly speaking, his view differs somewhat from mine.
  • Could you go over it again?
  • I couldn’t make out what you were getting at.
  • No one backed me up at first,
  • but eventually I talked everyone into going along with my plan.
  • I admire your perseverance, courage and wisdom.
  • You flatter me!
  • In makeing a decision, I rely not on logic but on instinct.
  • He came up with an ingenious, sensible solution and immediately put it into practice.
  • From an objective viewpoint, the former is inferior to the latter.
  • Your idea sounds marvelous in theory, yet I don’t thik it will work in practice.
  • We expected him to defeat his opponent, but he failed to live up to our expectations.
  • Ironically, despite their best endeavors, their mission resulted in complete failure.
  • Her genius makes up for her lack of firsthand experience.
  • She possesses a great capacity for overcoming any obstacle.
  • Without you solid support, the deal would have fallen through.
  • I’m greatful to you.

sec 08

  • Bringing flammable items into the cabin is prohibited.
  • Our flight to There was delayed on account of a minor accidnet.
  • The plane blew up and plunged int othe ocean, killing all the people on board.
  • They are working around the clock looking into the cause of the crash.
  • Unfortunately, few passengers survived the catastrophe.
  • The aviation expert analyzed the statistics in detail.
  • On behalf of all the staff, I’d like to express our sympathy for the victims.
  • In a sense, he is to blame for the disaster.
  • The vehicles are inspected for defects every three months.